Monday, March 10, 2008

My Special Day

Being Irish, my special day is of course March 17 St Patrick’s Day, which is as popular in America as it is in Ireland. I think that in most countries around the world, people know about St Patrick’s Day, the day of his death in AD 461 – and rightly so. Patrick was born in Roman Britain and when he was sixteen years of age he was captured by Irish raiders and taken as a slave to Ireland. He later entered the church just as his father and grandfather had done and by the eighth century had become the patron saint of Ireland.

Legend has it that he banished all the snakes from Ireland, which of course is true! However what is not widely known is that he was only one of three patron saints of Ireland, the other two being Saint Columbia who died in AD 597 and Saint Brigid, who died in AD 425, her special day being February 1 which is the traditional first day of Spring in Ireland.

On our sonic horns web site you will find two ‘Irish’ references. Firstly, I quote my favourite Irish toast at the bottom of the page about understanding sonic horns:

"May your glass be ever full, may the roof over your head be always strong, and may you be in heaven half an hour before the devil knows you're dead."

Secondly in the website navigation there is a section named ‘The Irishman’s Guide' where you will find various pages with easy to understand explanations about sonic horn technologies - eg. the sonic horn interior.

I hope that as you relax on March 17, drinking your green beer, that you will get a chance to visit this Irish section of our web site – Sláinte!