Friday, May 10, 2013

ID Fan Cleaning - Part Of MPM

The cement industry is probably one of the most demanding types of industry when it comes to finding solutions for cleaning and maintenance. The nature of cement as a material is of course the main reason as it easily builds up within plant machinery and readily adheres to surfaces, in turn reducing plant efficiency.

One of the key areas where buildup occurs is on id fan rotors and blades. Traditionally plant engineers have just stopped fans to remove the buildup but with sonic horn technology this needless downtime can be avoided.

In fact, our horns can prevent the buildup from even taking place. That is the beauty of the non-intrusive and 'preventative' approach that using the science of audiosonics offers.

Acoustic cleaner installed on ID fan
This system of cleaning, I'm delighted to say, has fast become recognised as an important part of an MPM program (Monitored Preventative Maintenance) in many cement plants.This page about id fan cleaning explains in more detail how sonic horns are installed on fans and how they work. 

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