You ‘Chan’ Solve Your Cement Silo Storage Problems!

Many of you will have heard of the all action martial arts screen hero – Jackie Chan. Well he had a terrifying experience on top of cement silos in one of his films "Tuxedo". A video clip from U Tube demonstrates what was involved in the silo fight sequence You will surely agree that you don’t want to fool around up there on top of a cement silo! Jackie Chan did all his own stunt work in this film - including sliding down 30 feet and ending up in a truck of cement powder. I am sure glad that Primasonics can solve your bulk cement storage and flow problems in a much easier manner!

There is a pdf version available if you prefer.
By the way, if your silos are really blocked with very hard, old cement powder, you can totally clean the silo without the need for manual entry simply by using our safe, remote, efficient Prima Whip™
Photo right: Our Prima Whip™ in operation