Primasonic’s Future is Black – Carbon Black!
When I first started on my long, busy road of earning a living, my first job was as an Organic Chemistry Technician – and I just loved it! Although I always had a liking for all types of chemistry, I did excel at organic chemistry; indeed, I still get excited when Primasonics is involved in solving both eliminating particulate build up and facilitating material flow within such ‘organic chemistry’ orientated companies by means of our range of Sonic Horns.
One such industry of worldwide importance which we have recently added to our wide range of industrial sectors clients is the Carbon Black Industry. I presented a paper at the Carbon Black 2006 Conference in Budapest and enjoyed learning more about this important industry which produces over 8 million tonnes of product per annum. Around 70% of this production is used either in the pigment industry or automobile industry as a reinforcing phase in tires.

Carbon Black is produced by the incomplete combustion of heavy petroleum products such as FCC Tar, Coal Tar and Ethylene Cracking Tar. Carbon Black is an amorphous carbon, that is to say it does not have a crystalline structure (see photograph) and has a high surface area to volume ratio. There are certainly dangers in the manufacture, storage and use of this material and so it has been allocated an International Safety Number – ICSC 0417. Therefore any remote, automatic and efficient device which can be employed to eliminate particulate build up within the various plant processes without manual entry is certainly welcomed.
To give you a couple of examples within two separate plants of a major world wide producer Columbian Chemicals, I have chosen firstly, Columbian Tiszai Carbon Ltd, Hungary where we solved material building up and blocking in silos by installing our Sonic Horn model PAS-75 and more recently at the Columbrian Chemicals (Sevalco Limited) plant in Bristol UK where we installed model PAS-75 on three large filters to both prevent material build up within each filter and also to significantly extend filter bag life.
Primasonics are currently experiencing an increasing amount of interest from Carbon Black plants worldwide, including Russia!
Carbon – hydrogen bonding – now where did I first learn about that?!
One such industry of worldwide importance which we have recently added to our wide range of industrial sectors clients is the Carbon Black Industry. I presented a paper at the Carbon Black 2006 Conference in Budapest and enjoyed learning more about this important industry which produces over 8 million tonnes of product per annum. Around 70% of this production is used either in the pigment industry or automobile industry as a reinforcing phase in tires.

Carbon Black is produced by the incomplete combustion of heavy petroleum products such as FCC Tar, Coal Tar and Ethylene Cracking Tar. Carbon Black is an amorphous carbon, that is to say it does not have a crystalline structure (see photograph) and has a high surface area to volume ratio. There are certainly dangers in the manufacture, storage and use of this material and so it has been allocated an International Safety Number – ICSC 0417. Therefore any remote, automatic and efficient device which can be employed to eliminate particulate build up within the various plant processes without manual entry is certainly welcomed.

Primasonics are currently experiencing an increasing amount of interest from Carbon Black plants worldwide, including Russia!
Carbon – hydrogen bonding – now where did I first learn about that?!