Saturday, April 21, 2012

ESP Cleaning With Sonic Horns

Sonic horns can be used for a multitude of applications within different industries. One particular application which we have touched on before is electrostatic precipitator cleaning.

The basic function of an electrostatic precipitator is to remove particles (as in dust and smoke) from an air stream or flowing gas stream and it does this by means of an induced electrostatic charge. The installation and use of ESPs has become widespread because they are both highly efficient and low in energy consumption.

With ESPs being so widespread within industry, eg. in cement plants, there has been a growing focus on how best to maintain them and preserve their efficiency. ESPs tend to retain a build-up layer of dust which can cause problems and one of the popular means of electrostatic precipitator cleaning has for many years been the utilisation of rapping systems, particularly mechanical rappers. The downside of rappers is that they can cause physical damage to wires and plates. This is where sonic horns come in!

Reference sources for more information include:

Our sonic horns for the cement industry page

Electrostatic Precipitator page from Wikipedia

Soot blowers blog post about esp cleaning

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