Saturday, February 5, 2011

Sonic Scrubbing - For Your Kitchen, Teeth & Car!

Given that I have a sonic horn company, you might understand that my attention is drawn to any news items or articles with the word 'sonic'.

This week I received the usual batch of junk mail including mail order catalogs of different kinds. Just why I opened one and began to read it I don't quite know! Anyway, as I flicked through the pages I found my eye drawn to a heading 'Sonic Scrubbers'.

Sonic scrubbers are (apparently) the new power cleaning system being recommended by many retailers for effective household cleaning, particularly in the kitchen where parts of your cooker or nooks and crannies in work surfaces and around the sink can be difficult to clean.

I then moved on in the catalog and a few pages later there was another 'sonic' product - this time a sonic toothbrush!

With all this sonic technology advertorial I thought I would do some searching on Google and I even found a sonic scrubber video on YouTube being used for cleaning car wheel trims!

So whether you want to clean your kitchen, your teeth or your wheel trims, it seems sonic power seems to be in fashion right now.

For my part, I will hang on to my kitchen cloth and mop, my old fashioned bristle toothbrush and my little, black wheel trim brush; I have enough sonic technology in my life with sonic horns, the preferred alternative to soot blower technology.

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