Sounding The Sonic Horn For Disaster Relief
Supplying sonic horns brings me into contact with a wide range of industries and the highly skilled, engineers and technicians associated with them.
These industries include:
Cement & Gypsum
Power Generation
Within the latter industry, I have been privileged over the years to encounter some of the finest engineers in the world – from fossil fuel power plants to nuclear power plants. In the nuclear power sector. nuclear waste encasement is an important issue and, through an extended involvement in cement production for that purpose, their engineers have become very familiar with sonic horns – used today as the preferred option for maintaining optimum silo performance.
Why mention this now? Well, nuclear power has always been a much debated topic and this week of course the debate has been heightened by the tragedy of the Japanese earthquake and tsunami. It is a tragedy on a scale that defies belief but one where we can all help, if only just a little. Charities such as the Red Cross, Unicef and Save The Children are all working in support of the disaster relief effort. For more information on how to make a donation and for the latest updates on the Japanese crisis here is the Google Crisis Response page
Labels: cement silo cleaning, disaster relief, nuclear power, sonic horns